The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts employment of logisticians to grow 30% between 2020 to 2030 and operations research analysts as much as 27%.
Global supply chains affect our lives every day, supplying consumers with basic products and goods. 消费者需求的快速变化导致恐慌性购买和短缺, 供应链管理人员, 专业人士, 后勤人员需求量很大.
报考供应链管理专业, you’ll learn value-driven supply chain management and analytical methods ready to apply to real operational challenges facing our world today.
Supply Chain Management is a cross-functional discipline involving the movement of products, 企业资源的使用, 信息的流动, 以及链中服务的部署. 这些活动通常包括采购, 物流, 组装, 生产, 销售和市场营销, 分布, 交付, 以及客户支持. 在本质上, the supply chain is the process that focuses on producing and distributing the product and dealing with the suppliers 和物流 to ensure the product gets to the market and its customers.
Managing a supply chain is concerned with the effective integration of suppliers, 工厂, 仓库, 商店, and shipping arrangements to ensure products are distributed along the chain to their customers in the right quantity and at the right time. 随着全球竞争的加剧, supply chain management is both a challenge and an opportunity for companies.
大流行凸显了供应链的重要性. 随着病毒的传播和爆发,不同地区关闭了, the global supply chains that supply US consumers with basic goods were catastrophically affected. Rapid shifts in consumer demand led to panic buying and shortages that 物流 managers struggled to maintain. We’ve seen throughout the pandemic, the vital importance of the supply chain manager. In 2020, 供应链经理, 供应链专业人员, 后勤人员也被召入服务, 不仅仅是对他们的公司, 也是为了整个经济的利益.
How does a bachelor’s degree in Supply Chain Management help my business career?
A bachelor’s degree in supply chain management brings together concepts from finance, 经济学, 和物流. Courses equip students with skills in these areas and build organizational, 解决问题, 批判性思维能力. Most industries need experts in supply chain management to help plan and guide their 物流 项目. Students will learn supply management through simulated applications, 案例分析, 特殊项目, and will gain hands-on experience integrating supply chain management concepts to optimize business performance outcomes. Having a strong understanding of supply chain management concepts and the ability to recommend improvements will be part the toolbox of all our business students.
“I try not to just teach the material but make it applicable for the students. That way they are able to use what they learned in the classroom the next day at work or in their daily lives.”
灵活的选项 & 课程
Classes are offered evenings and online to meet the needs of a busy schedule. A supportive environment prepares students for a successful transition from classroom to workforce.
Students will apply supply chain management theory to business situations and simulations, gaining industry and professional experience while focusing on an area of specialization.
商业课程是对包括伦理学在内的课程的补充, 市场营销与领导力, 战略管理综合.
后勤人员: Ensuring goods and products make it from the supplier to the consumer as efficiently as possible, 负责采购, 运输及仓储.
业务经理监督产品的生产和交付给客户, 管理采购, 制造业, 存储, 运输和遵守安全规章制度.
采购经理、采购员或采购代理: Buying goods or contract services to use or sell to other customers.
供应链经理: Coordinating all or part of an organization’s supply chain from communicating and working with suppliers to drafting and maintaining policies related to inventory.
Students acquire highly applicable skills, tools, and competencies, including:
- Understand supply chain components, terminology, techniques, and challenges of globalization.
- Learn how supply chains influence competitiveness, ethics, and sustainability.
- Know the role purchasing, operations, 和物流 play in the integrated supply chain.
- Describe the advantages and disadvantages of technology in the supply chain.
- 应用 metrics to assess the performance of a supply chain to differentiate materials management 和物流 while understanding the interrelation between them.
- Explain key concepts that are vital to the management of supply chains, 质量控制, 产品开发, 和采购.
- Gain experience with complex strategic and tactical global supply chain issues and develop skills to address challenges.